凯发·k8(国际) - 官方网站·一触即发:2017中国社交媒体影响报告出炉 中老年入场90后逃离
栏目:行业资讯 发布时间:2024-10-11
Nearly 40 percent of Chinas young people born after 1990 have turned off notifications from social media apps due to the perc
本文摘要:Nearly 40 percent of Chinas young people born after 1990 have turned off notifications from social media apps due to the perceived negative impact of social media, according to the recently released Kantar China Social Media Impact Report, Beijing Evening News reported.据《北京晚报》报导,最近发布的《凯度中国社交媒体影响报告》表明,由于社交媒体的负面影响,在1990年后出生于的中国年轻人中,有数40%的人重开了社交媒体应用于的消息警告功能。

Nearly 40 percent of Chinas young people born after 1990 have turned off notifications from social media apps due to the perceived negative impact of social media, according to the recently released Kantar China Social Media Impact Report, Beijing Evening News reported.据《北京晚报》报导,最近发布的《凯度中国社交媒体影响报告》表明,由于社交媒体的负面影响,在1990年后出生于的中国年轻人中,有数40%的人重开了社交媒体应用于的消息警告功能。The report shows that social media, and especially WeChat, has become more and more popular in the past year among people over the age of 40.该报告表明,社交媒体,特别是在是微信,过去一年里在40岁以上人群中显得更加热门。While the WeChat use of the post-90s generation has slightly decreased, from 94.1 percent to 86.6 percent.而90后微信用户数量则有所上升,从94.1%跌了86.6%。Most of those surveyed for the report mentioned that positive impacts of social media include socializing with acquaintances and taking in more information.大多数拒绝接受调查的人都提及了社交媒体的大力影响,还包括与熟人社交、取得更加多信息等等。

However, respondents also noted that social media has caused them to read fewer books, suffer from worse eyesight, sleep less and maintain less privacy, among other concerns.但是受访者也认为,社交媒体使得他们读的书更加较少了、视力受到影响、睡眠中更加较少、隐私遭泄漏以及其他一些问题。As a result, 39 percent of the post-90s generation tries to avoid the negative effects of mobile phone use through measures like turning off app notifications, intentionally limiting the frequency of social media interactions and staying away from social media entirely in certain situations.因此,39%的90后企图防止用于手机所带给的负面影响,措施还包括重开APP的消息提醒功能、容许社交媒体对话频率、以及在某些情况下几乎不用于社交媒体等等。

本文关键词:凯发一触即发(中国区)官方网站,凯发·k8(国际) - 官方网站·一触即发
